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Essay on pollution of water for school and college students

Hey if you are looking for free essay on pollution of water, then you are in the right place. Here you will find out 6 essays on pollution of water. So you can use this essay on pollution of water for your school and college project, hope you like it.

Essay on pollution of water

Essay on pollution of water

Water pollution is a serious issue for all which is affecting mankind in many ways. All of us should know about its cause, effect and defensive measures to improve our lives.

In order to increase awareness about water pollution in society, try to convince children through some constructive activities in their schools and colleges.

Here are providing some essays on water pollution in various word limits and simple the language which will prove very useful for your children in their school exams and competitions.

Essay on pollution of water in English

Essay on pollution of water

Essay on pollution of water 1 (100)

Water pollution is becoming a growing problem on the earth which is affecting humans and animals in all aspects. The pollution of drinking water by poisonous pollutants generated by human activities is water pollution.

The entire water is obtaining polluted through several sources like urban runoff, agriculture, industrial, sedimentary, waste from landfills, animal waste and different human activities.

All pollutants are very harmful to the environment.

The human the population is increasing day by day, so their need and competition are taking pollution to a large level.

Here, along with continuing the possibility of life, there is a need to accept some drastic changes in our habits to save the earth's water.

Essay on pollution of water 2 (150)

Water pollution is one of the most dangerous and worst forms of life-threatening pollution. The water we drink every day looks absolutely clear, although there are different types of pollutants floating in it.

Our earth is covered with water (about 70% of the whole area), so even a small change in it can affect the life of the whole world.

The largest level of water pollution is caused by pollutants coming from the agricultural sector because fertilizer, pesticides, etc. are being used extensively to increase the productivity of crops.
We need to make major improvements in the chemicals used in agriculture. 

Oil is another major pollutant to pollute water. Oil seeping from land and rivers, oil transport by water vessels, crashing of ships, etc., the oil that spreads in the sea affects the entire water.

Other hydrocarbon particles settle down from the air through rainwater in the ocean or seawater. Waste fillers, old mines, litter sites, sewers, industrial wastes and leakages in agriculture get their toxic waste into the water.

Essay on pollution of water
The image was taken from google

Essay on pollution of water 3 (200)

The level of fresh water on earth is decreasing every day. The availability of drinking water on the earth is limited while it is also getting polluted due to wrong activities of humans.

In the absence of fresh drinking water, it is very difficult to estimate the possibility of life on earth. Water pollution is the mixing of external elements through organic, inorganic, biological and radiological degradation of water utility and quality.

Hazardous pollutants carry various types of impurities including harmful chemicals, dissolved gases, suspended substances, dissolved minerals, and germs.

All pollutants reduce the amount of oxygen dissolved in water and affect humans and animals on a large scale. Oxygen present in water is dissolved oxygen required by aquatic system to continue the life of plants and animals.

However, the oxygen required by the aerobic microorganism to oxidize organic material wastes are biochemical oxygen.

Water pollution occurs for two reasons, one is natural pollution (from rock deposition, weathering of organic matter, weathering of dead organisms, sedimentation, soil erosion, etc.) and human-caused water pollution (forest cutting, setting up industries near aquatic sources, High-level emissions of industrial waste, domestic sewage, synthetic chemicals, radioactive waste, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.

Essay on pollution of water

Essay on pollution of water 4 (250)

The main source of life on earth is fresh water. Any animal can spend a few days without food, but it is difficult to imagine life without water and oxygen even for a minute.

The demand for more water for purposes such as drinking, washing, industrial use, agriculture, swimming pools, and other water sports centers are increasing due to the ever increasing population.
Water pollution is being practiced by people all over the world due to increasing demand and competition for luxury living. The waste produced by many human activities spoils the entire water and reduces the amount of oxygen in the water.

Such pollutants reduce the physical, chemical, thermal and biochemical characteristics of water and severely affect the life of water outside as well as underwater.

When we drink polluted water, hazardous chemicals, and other pollutants enter the body and spoil the functions of all the organs of the body and endanger our lives.

Such hazardous chemicals also badly affect the lives of animals and plants. When plants soak up the dirty water through their roots, they stop growing and die or dry up.

Thousands of seabirds die due to oil spilling from ships and industries. High levels of water pollution are caused by chemicals coming out of agricultural uses of fertilizers, pesticides.

The effect of water pollution varies by place depending on the amount and type of water pollutant. A preventative method is urgently needed to prevent the degradation of drinking water, which is possible through the understanding and the assistance of every last person living on earth.

Essay on pollution of water 5 (300)

Water is the most important thing for life on earth. Here it makes any kind of life and its existence possible.

It maintains ecological balance in the biosphere. Drinking, bathing, energy production, irrigation of crops, disposal of sewage, production process, etc.

Clean water is very important to fulfill many objectives. Rapid industrialization and unplanned urbanization is increasing due to the increasing population, which is leaving a lot of garbage in large and small water sources which are ultimately degrading the quality of water.

The self-purifying ability of water is decreasing by the reduction of ozone (which kills dangerous micro-organisms) available in the water due to direct and continuous mixing of such pollutants in water.

Water a pollutant is spoiling the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water which is very dangerous for all plants, humans, and animals all over the world.

Many important species of animals and plants have died due to water pollutants. This is a global problem affecting both developed and developing countries.

Mining, agriculture, fisheries, stockbreeding, various industries, urban human activities, urbanization, an increasing number of construction industries, domestic sewage, etc. are polluting the entire water on a large scale.

There are many sources of water pollution (point sources and non-point sources or scattered sources) depending on the specificity of the water content emanating from different sources.

Includes industry, sewage treatment plant, waste landfill, point source pipelines, sewer, sewer, etc. from hazardous waste sites, leakages from oil storage tanks which dump waste directly into water sources.

The scattered sources of water pollution are agricultural grounds, a lot of livestock feed, parking lots and surface water from roads, storm runoff from urban roads, etc., which mix pollutants released from them in large water sources.

The nonpoint pollutant source participates in large scale water pollution which is very difficult and expensive to control.
Essay on pollution of water

Essay on pollution of water 6 (400)

Water pollution is a major environmental and social issue for the whole world.
It has reached its zenith. According to the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, it has been noted that 70% of the river water has been polluted on a large scale.
India's main river systems like the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus, Peninsular and South Coast river systems have been affected in a big way.

The main river in India, especially the Ganges, is highly associated with Indian culture and heritage.
People usually, take an early morning bath and offer Ganga water to the deities in any fast or celebration.

In the myth of performing his puja, he puts all the material related to the puja the method in the Ganges.
Water pollution increased by decreasing the self recycling capacity of the water from the waste dumped in the rivers, so to keep the water of the rivers clean and fresh, it should be banned by governments in all countries, especially in India.

Despite the high degree of industrialization, the water pollution situation in India is worse than in other countries.

According to the report of the Central Pollution Control Board, Ganga is the most polluted river in India, which was earlier famous for its self-purifying capacity and fast-flowing river.
About 45 leather making factories and 10 textile mills release their garbage (heavy organic waste and rotten goods) directly into the river near Kanpur.

According to an estimate, about 1,400 million liters of sewage and 200 million liters of industrial waste is being released daily into the Ganges River.

Other main industries which are causing water pollution are sugar mills, furnaces, glycerin, tin, paint, soap, spinning, rayon, silk, cotton, etc which remove toxic wastes.

In 1984, a Central Ganga Authority was established by the government to initiate the Ganga Action Plan to curb the water pollution of the Ganges.

According to this plan, about 120 factories, which were spreading pollution in 27 cities on a large scale from Haridwar to Hooghly, were identified.

Nearly 19.84 million gallons of waste falls from factories in the pulp, paper, furnace, sugar, spinning, textiles, cement, heavy chemicals, paints, and varnishes, etc. in the Gomti River near Lucknow.

This situation has become even more frightening in the last 4 decades. To avoid water pollution, all industries should follow standard rules, the Pollution Control Board should enact strict laws, manage proper sewage disposal facilities, establish sewage and water treatment plants, construct accessible toilets, etc.

So this is the list of 6 “essay on pollution of water in English” if you have any suggestion please provide us. So we can improve more on essay on pollution of water in English’

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