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How to gain weight in healthy way

In this post, you will find out tips & tricks of how to gain weight healthy way

It is true that most people want to lose weight, but it is also true that some people are so thin that they want to increase or “gain their weight in a healthy way”.

How to gain weight in a healthy way

How to gain weight in healthy way

Those who are thin, they should do something that the body gets maximum fat and protein and they can gain weight as soon as possible. But it is important to pay attention to some important things.

Such thin skinny people start with oil and fat food before increasing their weight, which is very harmful to the body. But it should not be done. 

If you want, you can increase the amount of fat and protein in the body by eating nutritious food.

These are some of the reasons for lean, slim or low weight-

There may be some health-related problems which can be due to unhealthy weight loss. like -Discomforts related to eating: Anorexia nervosa, in which a person is always worried that his weight will increase and due to this he starts to quit his food at some point.

Thyroid problem: Some people have a problem with hyperthyroidism which increases metabolism due to which weight loss occurs.

Diabetes: Especially Insulin Dependent Diabetes Malietus (Type1) also causes a lot of weight gain.
If you are underweight or are losing weight, contact your doctor immediately.
How to increase your weight healthy and safe Fast, Safe & Naturally Body Weight Gain Tips in Hindi

Eating more fat foods like samosas, pakoras will help you gain weight, but at the same time it will also spoil your health. Safe way to increase weight.

How to gain weight within a week tip 

One thing is for sure that if you are very low in weight then you want Muscles in your body in a balanced way rather than the fat hanging in your stomach. Fat accumulation in the stomach is not known as weight gain. Obesity can lead to many types of diseases like diabetes, heart diseases.

So it is very important that you eat good food and live a good healthy lifestyle. Now let us know some great ways to increase healthy and safe weight without wasting time.

How many calories to gain weight in a week

Normal people eat 2500-300 calories a day, but if you are underweight and want to” gain weight in a week”. Then first calculate how many calories you are taking a day and then adjust your calories.

Eat more calorie foods Eat More Calories

If you want to gain weight, then you have to eat more calories than your body needs. You can measure this by Calorie Calculator how much calories you have to eat in a day.

Think that if you want to increase your ‘weight’ gradually, then you should eat 300-500 calories more every day and if you want to ‘gain weight’ as soon as possible, then 700-1000 calories.

One thing must be remembered: The calories calculator always gives an approximate criterion. Once you know how much calories your body burns in a day, then you will know how many calories you need to gain weight.

Eat more protein-rich food Eat More Protein Containing Diet

Protein-rich food has a huge hand in gaining weight in a healthy way. Man's muscle is made up of Protein, so eating a diet rich in protein makes the muscles strong and also increases weight.

High-Protein rich foods are meat, munchies, poultry, milk ingredients, dal, almonds, and others.
Eat more carbohydrate and ripped foods Eat Lots of Carbohydrate and Fat Meals
You can increase your calorie intake just by eating well high carb and fat foods.

If you want to “how to gain weight in a week “, then you have to eat high-carb and high-fat food. Being hungry or fasting is not going to increase weight in any way because it will cause your weight loss and not weight gain.
How to gain weight in healthy way
Image by Natasha Spenser from Pixabay 

Remember, eat good food at least 3 times a day and mix Carbohydrate and Fat things in it.
Eat more body-enhancing foods Eat More Energy Providing Foods

Use sauces and spices in your daily meals. Do not eat more and more Junk Foods and eat homemade High Energy Diet.

Eat as much as you can and eat it deliciously. If there is no taste in food, it is said to be fun. The more you eat, the more your body will gain strength and weight will also increase.

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